
Such 10 leelas of Lord Shri Krishna, whom people considered them to be God

Lord Rama and Shri Krishna are neither the Lord and the Avatar of the again of God, and the I of God has i the divine abilities. Rama slept Bhat I wife of general human beings in Irah shed, wife and Iyog in tears. Iya the enemy's strength by sending the messenger. Lech Shri, excellent time and time, the wonderful ikhakar of the people and Shiva Ilaya I is the embodiment of superhuman and FY again, which is not endowed with sixteen arts. So, ie the Lord Shri, he lilae 10 key people, and he believed in God.

Shri Krishna Biography,krishna images

Shri Iya was born in the imprisonment of tightening and in his birth, the door of imprisonment opened and the Sentinel fell asleep in deep sleep. As well as air, I the child Nadgaon to Nadaray Ji's home in the house and Nadaray's newborn. This was the first sign of being a superhuman of Shri excellence.

When illy to the excellent birth notice, the demon of the Putana name sent IE to kill the excellent. Putana Iya to steal the excellent and poisoned his thoracic and ilane his milk. Shri Putana ie the death of his soul, and Ishalkay demonic, he himself was found to have died. Nihone was surprised to see the Leela of Shri as I Putana had killed all the newborns in Nadgaon, and Putana the Yamapuri to Iya. At the same time, people have to say that Iya is not a normal human being superhuman.

The call Iya the serpent was tightly sent to the Yamuna to Iya. The poison of the Yamuna became black. Birds and people began to die in this water-drinking animal. Nadgaon people thought I would be immigrate somewhere else except for the village, and it was not approved. In the game, Mr. Iya jumped into the river Yamuna and reached a call in front of the snake. The iya of the call, the I snake Kumaris to pray to preserve prana. Mr. Iya IE Iya to forgive him for calling off the Nanda village. The call Iya iya to Mr. Iya and started dancing as Nataraj to stand on the fun of Mr. Excellent, the call, the Iya. When the people of the Nandas saw the scene, they were I and they had a superhuman of love and their shiva.

Torrential by Indra IE ie nadgaon to protect the animals and the people on their small fingers and Govardhan to take Iya mountain on their little finger and do something normal for the Ino to apologise to Indra IE Had to come. When he saw Mr. I, he was very sure that he was God and not a human being. And Shri Govardhan started worshipping the mountains, and since then every year, the tradition of worshipping the Govardhan mountain has been coming.

The killing of Kansa by defeating the wrestlers of the arc was not a matter of subdue of any ordinary person. As soon as Shri Krishna slaughtered Kansa, Shri Krishna's echo came out of all four directions.

Mr. Excellent guru Sandeep Ini's son died years ago due to drowning in the ocean. At the time of giving the Guru an efficient ina, Shri excellent Guru spoke of his mind and iyaed his son and returned them to the soul. When Jupiter saw his son being I, he was convinced that the IE of the man was truly divine and that as I the I of the dead would not be a matter of the descendants of humans or the general deity.

During the incision, Draupadi had meditated on Shri Krishna and the saris of Draupadi went so long that the dictator got tired and exhausted. In this way Shri Krishna saved Draupadi's shame. The whole assembly of the Kurus from this Leela of Draupadi and Sri Krishna has known Shri Krishna as Lord Vishnu.

When Krishna reached Duryodhana after becoming an angel of Pandavas, Duryodhana ordered Mr. Krishna to be arrested. At this time Shri Krishna took his divine form and surprised the whole gathering. This time, Bhishma and Vidur saw Shri Krishna in Vishnu form.

During the Mahabharata war, predicting the number of people who die in the battle of groundnut and every day during the war, it also states that Shri Krishna is not a human being as a great human.

Sri Krishna's most lousy leela was by adopting his immortal form and realizing Arjuna the mystery of life and death. The vicious nature of Shri Krishna clearly testifies to be his supreme God and there is no doubt that Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu in the human body.


Milan Tomic

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