Lord Krishna Biography
The Advent of Lord Krishna
Krishna was born in a historical historical period before a disastrous war. War factions built up so many weapons that the burden on the earth became unbearable. Finally the goddess of the Earth took the form of the cow and prayed to God Brahma for relief. God Brahma summoned all the gods on the coast of the ocean to listen to the Mother Earth and the supreme personality of the deity, worshipping Lord Vishnu. Reading the Vedic hymns, known as the old hymns of God Brahma, fell into trance and heard the voice of Lord Vishnu. Then he declared, "O Gods, listen to God's words." She is aware of the crisis on Earth and wants you to become a deity for Avatar as Yaduly tame sons and daughters. The Supreme Personality of God, Lord Krishna, is personally manifested as the son of Vasudeva. Therefore all of you will be evicted to join the eternal pastimes of Lord Krishna. "
Shri Krishna Biography
The Lord Brahma consoled the cow and sent him home, then returned to his planet, Barahamokok. The gods began to yadu in the lineage, waiting for the presence of Lord Krishna. Members of the Yadu dynasty, headed by Vasudeva and Debaki, were all gods with their friends, relatives and wishers. The residents of Vrindavan in King Nanda, headed by Rani Yasoda and Queen Rohini, were also demigods.
King Kamasa was another relative in the family, though he was not a deity. He unloaded his father Ugarasena's throne, and put him in jail. When Ugassena's family member Debaki married the Vasudeva, he received a large dowry of elephants, horses, chariotss and servants. After the wedding, Kamsa started to take the edge of the wedding chariot and enter the couple's house. On the way, a voice from the sky addressed him: "You stupid King, the eighth son of Debaki would kill you!"
Kamasa pulled Debaki from his hair, pulled his sword and prepared to kill him on the spot, but Vousdev urged for his bride's life and promised to kill her eighth child so that the Araikal would not be complete. Kamasa agreed to abandon his life, but stopped Vasudeva and Debaki in a stone prison. After that, he killed the first six sons of Debaki cruelly. Debaki's seventh son aborted the abortion but mysteriously moved to the womb of the Queen Rohini in Vrindavan. It became Krishna's elder brother Balarama. Soon after, Debaki became pregnant with his eighth child.
Presence of Krishna
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Four armed Vishnu was born in the stroke of midnight as Krishna was wearing silk and jewellery with four weapons, shellfish, discs, clubs and Lotus. His parents prayed to convert themselves into a normal child so they could hide it from Kamsa. God advised the Vasudeva to take them vrindavan and exchanged them with a girl who was just born. Then he turned himself into a child.
Magically, Kamsa's prison guards went to sleep, and all the iron pieces, chains and locks were automatically opened. Without asking questions on this, Vasudeva took the baby and departed for Vrindavan. Like the story of Moses, Krishna's story also includes a part of the water, allowing Vasudeva to move Krishna to Vrindavan in the Jamuna River. When Vasudeva Nanda arrived home, all the whites slept. Thus he put his son on the bed of Yasoda, picked up his newborn girl and returned to the jail of Kamsa.
There was a chance that Kamsa would leave the child because Omen said that it would be the eighth son who would kill him. Debaki begged him, but Kamasa pulled the child with his arms and dashed him against the stones. The girl slipped with her hands and rose above her head as eight armed form of Goddess Durga, was wearing good clothes and jewelry. He said, "the enemy you think of is living somewhere else. You are foolish to hurt innocent children. Krishna would kill you. "
Kamasa repented and urged Debaki and Vasudeva to pardon him for their sins. He freed them from his heaps and regretted tears of regret fell on his feet. The next day, however, the ministers of Kamsa advised them to take action to abandon their emotional approach and kill all the newborn children of the region. He also advised them to disturb the gods and saints. The new rule is parallel to this story. When the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Herod killed all the newborn children of the region, known as the genocide of the Innocents. On the basis of a dream, Joseph took the baby Jesus to Egypt, and returned only after Herod died.
Krishna's childhood in Vrindavan
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)When Yashoda and Nanda found Krishna as their son, they covertly carried out all the religious ceremonies to escape the wrath of Kamsa. Family astrologer, Garagamuni, said, "Your son Krishna is God's supreme personality." He protect you from the oppression of Kamsa, and only by His grace, you will overcome all difficulties. So take her carefully, because many monsters try to attack her. "
This alert proved true because in his childhood, Krishna approached lies with all other demons and Irashayapuran and misleading gods kamsa monsters.
Krishna Flute
Krishna kills Witch Putatana
(Lord Krishna Biographyy) Kamsa admitted the demon named Putatana to kill the newborns. The monster was worn as a beautiful woman and flew over his broom to Krishna's nursery, hoping to kill him with poison suffering from poison on his nipples. Krishna's mother Putatana innocently to take the baby and put it in his chest. Krishna closed his eyes and depleteed his life, killed him, and did not poison him. When the soul of the Putatana went away, his body returned to its real form: a huge witch who broke the tree, which stretched twelve miles into the landscape. Pushna's soul gained salvation due to his generous work of offering his breast milk to Krishna and the residents of Vrindavan did the body.
After Krishna's murder, the elder Gopi (the women of the village) raised him and did a good ritual for his safety and purification. He bathed him and chanted religious mantras to prevent further attacks. Sharila Parabhupad told Krishna in the book: "Vrindavan's affection for the elderly Gopi Krishna was so absorbed that he wanted to save it, though it was not needed, because he had already saved himself." They did not understand that Krishna was the highest gadhed's personality playing as a child. "(page 47)
Krishna's parents celebrated the love of children, their birthdays and other sanskars of the path. He worked in a way to bring his children into mischief, for example, Krishna and Balram would come into cow cow, hold the tail of a calf and stand up. Calves Khichege around them and they will be covered with mud. Instead of being annoyed, the mother bulaegis her friends to see the fun. Mother Yasoda never hit Krishna, but once he plucked it from a grinding mortar, when he stole butter and fed the monkeys. The Scriptures explained that as soon as she tried to bind it, the rope was too small. He used the long rope, but it was always very low. Sharila Parabhupad points out that "Krishna appreciated her mother's hard work, and being compassionate to them, she was ready to chime the ropes." (Krishna book, page 66)
Krishna tried to crawl and trapped a mortar between two Arjun trees in the courtyard. Trees fell and two magnificent gods emerged and Krishna prayed. Narad Muni cursed that souls stood as trees for a hundred years, and Krishna freed them up.
When the boys got a little bigger, they had their day playing with calves in the nearby grounds. Their mother cooked lunch and called them from the fields, or they would pack lunches for them. The children were believed to be family property and had been protected from misbehaving. However, instead of a parent protecting Krishna, it is the child who protects the village and all its people.
Krishna killed the snake demon Aghsura
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)One day the boy went missing playing his game, emulating the peacock and running after the shadow of the birds on the ground, when he came on the Hill Cave. It was actually the monster brother of Putatana, who had extended himself into an eight-mile-long snake to kill the boys. The spotting for the cave was his mouth. The boys had a warm air look which seemed to smell like fish, or the snake's intestines.
The scriptures say that when the boys went to the cave, Krishna was momentarily afflicted because he knew it was one of the tricks of Kamsa. He mused for a moment, then decided to enter the cave himself. When Krishna went inside, the monsters became happier all over the world. The gods, hiding between the clouds, were upset to see what would happen. At one time it seemed as if the snake-demon had killed Krishna, but when Krishna heard the appeal of the gods, he grew up and suppressed the demon to death. Aghsura's life was winded through a hole in his skull and Krishna was waiting to come out, then he merged into his body. Krishna showed his generous nature by saving his friends and deliberating the Aghasura.
God Brahma is the abduction of Cowherd boys
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)When Aghsura died, the gods prayed, threw flowers, and beat the drums. Hearing Temptation, Lord Brahma arrived on the scene. At that time, Brahma kidnapped children of children, a crime that was outrageous of a deity. Krishna was unhappy because of the misery of Brahma, he would go to the village alone. Instead, he decided to expand himself into alternative boys and calves, which were basically perfectly visible, and he returned to the village with them. No one could tell the difference, but the families showed that spontaneous affection for their sons (who were actually expanding to God). Krishna's brother Balram noted the behavior of the parents and asked Krishna what was going on. Krishna explained how God Brahma kidnapped the real boys and calves.
Brahma made a mistake in trying to test Krishna's power. From returning to Brahma a year ago life went like this. The time of Brahma passes very fast, so it seemed to be only a moment. However, when he returned, he was shocked to see the boys and calves fighting with Krishna, although nothing had happened. Krishna knew that Brahma was disturbed, so he converted all the boys and calves into four armed Vishnu forms. Brahma heard the music and saw many Brahmins, Shiva, Gods and fauna (souls) singing the names and dances of God. The mind of Brahma opened in sight for the first time, but then it became irritating, so Krishna ended the dazzling scene.
When Brahma became awake, he realized that he was confronted with God's highest personality with Krishna, who was applying his eternal time as a disappearing boy in the spiritual land of Vrindavan. Brahma immediately descended from his goose-carrier and fell into the prostate for the forgiveness of Krishna. After offering glorious prayer and penance for his behaviour, Brahma surrounded Krishna three times and returned to his planet.
Exactly one year ago, Krishna left his friends lunching on the bank of the Jamuna River. When he returned, he had just started eating, and thought Krishna had gone for only a second. None of the boys realized that a full year had passed and had them asleep in the cave, when they went to sleep in the cave. When the child returned home and told his parents about the Aghasur monster, the demon's corpse disintegrated, so the parents thought the children were just a wild story from fiction.
Krishna Lift Govardhan Hill
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Vishnu embodies the security in his many forms and Krishna (along with other things) were the incarnations of Vishnu (avatar). It is said that the residents of Vrindavan were sometimes aware of it and sometimes depended on Krishna to protect them. A good example was when Krishna picked up the Govardhan Hill. Every year, residents of Vrindavan worshipped Lord Indra for the supply of rain. One year when Krishna was young, he asked Nandy to worship Govardhan Hill instead of Indra. "We do not get any special benefits from Indra," Krishna argued. Our distinctive relationship is with Govardhan Hill and Vrindavan Forest. We have nothing to do with Indra. (Krishna book, page 170)
Finally agreed with King Nanda Krishna and Govardhan Hill ready for the sacrificial ascender. It made God Indra angry and jealous. To forget Krishna's divine status, Indra argued, "These missing men in Vrindavan have neglected their right to the advice that the boy is known as Krishna." He is not a child, and by believing this child, he has put me in anger. (Krishna book, page 174) Indra then sent a storm to devastate Vrindavan. Krishna came to all the people and the animal shelter, and in a miraculous show of strength, Krishna lifted Govaradan Hill with a finger to the mountain in a huge umbrella.Everyone stayed safe until the crowd below it and the rain is closed. Later on, god Indra realized his mistake in attacking Krishna and asking for forgiveness. It is an example of one of the gods who behaved like demon. Krishna tells the book, "Indra became angry because he thought he had everything within this universe and no one was as powerful. "(page 180)
End of Kamsa
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Kamsa's Demons harassed children in the entire region for fifteen years. By magic, Krishna and Balram killed them as part of their divine drama or Leela. Thus, the residents of Vrindavan were thankful about Krishna recalling his Master's prophecy. After Krishna killed the Arisata (ox) Monster, the great sage Narad Muni Kamsa the palace and told him that Krishna and Balram were the seventh and eighth sons of the Vasudeva. Narad described the events occurring on the night of Krishna's birth and confirmed that Krishna would complete his death in Krishna's hands.
Upon hearing the news, Kamsa again recaptured Debaki and Vasudeva and renewed his pledge to kill Krishna and Balram. He called for Keshi Demon and other great demons, and if didn't work, he planned to draw the boys to the wrestling match with their two strongest wrestlers. He referred to his servant Akarura to bring the boys back to Mathura. It will be the transition of Krishna and balram into adulthood, as they never return to the time of mild hearts of youth, playing in the grasslands or dancing with the young Gopi.
Krishna was confused with fear waiting for Krishna to come, and was unable to sleep at night because of bad dreams. He saw his headache in the mirror, everything doubled, and he saw the pile of sky as a hole. He saw a hole in his shadow and left no trace when he went.
Krishna and Balram entered the magnificent city with their friends. They came into the wrestling ring and accepted the challenge to fight the demons of Kamsa. After fighting for a few moments, Krishna and Balram easily killed their opponents. Everyone except Kamsa cheered on the amazing defeat. The wicked King paused the festivities and shouted: "Vasudeva two wicked sons out of the city! Seize the property of the disappearance and arrest that evil man Nanda! Beat that svelte inspired Vasudeva! My father, Ugarasena, also beat his followers, who have prejudice with our enemies. "
Krishna stood up, seized Kamsa, knocked his crown and pulled him into the wrestling mat with his hair. There he easily killed Kamsa, killed them by his fist. Eight small brothers of Kamsa attacked Krishna and Balram, but Balram killed him easily with his club. Krishna and Balram met their parents, but Debaki and Vasudeva were afraid to complete the prophecy, and because of a sense of respect they were scared to hug their sons. After that incident, Krishna and Balram entered the Gurukula and became a prince in Yadu's court.
Dhritarasatar's Court
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)At the time of Krishna, Andhra Raja Dhritarasatar led the lunar descent in Hasatinapur. His wife, Rani Gadhiari, had a hundred sons who were called Kaurav, the oldest of which was Durayodhan. The royal Palace also had grandfather Bhisasa, the king's uncle, and Queen Kuti and their five sons. Kuti's late husband, Padu was the brother of King Dhritarasatar, so Kaurav was his nephew.
Krishna was also the Kuti's nephew, because his brother was Vasudeva Krishna's father. He got away from his family at his cousin Kutibhoja's palace. When he was a child, Kuti was pleased by the powerful Sage Duravasa Muni, who gave him a mantra that he could conceive five sons from the gods. He tested the mantra and the sun God gave him, which he secretly drifted into the river. Karan Kauravas for being a great warrior, and Kuti later disclosed that he was his real mother.
When Kuti married the Padu, he used the mantra for three sons and: Yudhishathir, Bhima and Arjun. Padu was cursed to die if he had ever tried to have sex with his wives, he was happy that Kuti could get sons from the gods. He asked him to give his second wife Madari last chance, who later had twins, Nakul and Sehdev. These five children were Pandav brothers.
After all, Padu attempted to have sex with Madari and immediately died from the curse. Madari killed himself at the funeral but survived to take care of Kuti's children. He and his son moved to the palace of Dhritarasatar, in hundred Kauravas provoked disgusting and jealousy. His son Bhima created problems with other children because he was a bully. In return, the Kaurav brothers once tied him up and threw him into the sea, but Bhima returned with additional Sidadhiyo (yoga Powers), and made them even more irritating.
This time Grandpa Bhisham nominated Pandav and Kaurav Brothers in archery training under the famous arrow, Darona. At the end of his lessons, Arjun gave up the first place in Darona tests, and it was another factor of prodding the jealousy in Kauravas. As the last request of his students (Guru-Southern), Darona asked him to arrest the neighboring king, Darupad and bring the justice there. Kaurav failed, but Arjun succeeded, Pandav's situation increased.
When he finished his training as a prince, Dhritarasatar accepted Kuti's oldest son Yudhishathir as the successor to the throne. Dhritarasatar's move was an indirect insult to his oldest son Durayodhan, whom he considered a buffalo. It has angered the Kauravas and deepened the family in the conflict which will eventually emerge in the destructive war, the base of the most fundamental books of Hinduism: The Mahabharata and the Bhagavad-Gita.
Feeling angry and jealous of Pandavas, Durayodhan planned to kill them. On a family pilgrimage, they built a house of millions for them, and after that their staff had set it ablaze. Kauravas thought the Pandav were dead but they escaped an underground tunnel and lived anonymously in the wilderness for a while. After all, he heard about the Pachali, the hands of the Princess of Durapadi, and the Engagement Contest (Savayamavar), and went there in disguise.The aim of Svayamvara was that the participants had to do a heavy bow string and an arrow was Marni to shoot five arrows in the eye of a fish that had a hang on the target. Many were gathered, including Prince Kauravas, but Arjun won the competition and brought Durdadi back to the forest retreat with him. Others were unhappy with losing to Prince Durpatidi, but Krishna argued Arjun's favour. When he arrived home with Durdadi, Arjun told his mother that he had won a great prize on that day. Without knowing what it was, Kuti instructed him The sons had to divide it equally by themselves, and thus they all shared the Dulahadi as their bride.
Pandavas was happy to find still alive, and married a major ruler in the family, and so Rajadhararasatar invited him to come back Hasatinapura and give his sons Yudhishathir half of the state. Yudhishathir built his castle and lived peacefully with his brothers, Durapadi and their other wives.
Reunion at Kurukshetra
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)On the occasion of the solar eclipse, all the royal families were Kurukshetra to observe religious sanskars. Kurukshetra will later become the battleground for the Great War, but now it was known only as the sacred place of pilgrimage. In the last millennium, the ancient incarnation of God Parashuram had killed thousands of wicked military kings, and his blood had formed a river in that place.
When the royal family met their relations in Kurukshetra, Love had great exchanges. Krishna described the book, "after being separated from the long-time meeting, they were all enthusiastic; Their hearts were tilted, and their faces appeared like fresh-blooming lotus flowers. Their eyes were falling off the drops of tears, the hairs on their bodies finally stood, and due to their extreme enthusiasm, they were temporarily bhashanahin. "(Page 86)
At the meeting, Vasudeva and Kuti, who were brothers and sisters, mourned their long isolation. Kuti complained about whatever was done due to Durayodhan. Vasudeva reminded him that he loved him and would be there to help, except that his life was miserable because of the Kamasa's oppression.
Krishna and Balram met Vrindavan's residents and renewed their relationships with their foster parents, Nanda, Yasoda and Rohini and Gopi, the disappearing girls. Gopi was particularly pleased to see Krishna again, as he never fulfilled his promise of returning to Vrindavan. Krishna and Balram met his childhood friends, Krishna's parents Vrindavan Vasudeva and Debaki. Eventually, Vasudeva told Nanda the events around Krishna's birth, and both Krishna felt grateful for his fate as his son. While Nanda and Yasoda sometimes thought Krishna as their ordinary child, Vasudev and Debaki were always mindful of Krishna's divinity.
Great War
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Durayodhan Pandavas was angry and wanted to take them out of the state. He challenged the game of dice to Yudhishathir, in which Yudhishathir lost everything, including his brethren, Durapadi and himself. Kauravas brought Daladi to the ground to break up his saree and humiliate him, but he prayed to Krishna and he mysteriously provided an unseen length of cloth.
Raja Dhritarasatar came on the scene and gave everything back to the Pandavas and sent them home. Soon after that, despite warnings and protests from all sides, Durayodhan convinced Yudhishathir to play the dice again, and Yudhishathir lost again. Thus to meet the terms of the stake, Kuti, Pandavas and Durapadi went wilder for twelve years, and kept an extra year's secret.
For a few years Pandav moved north as Badarishasharam in the Himalayas, then returned to neighboring areas. At the end of his relegation, the battle between Pandavas and Kauravas got heated again. Durayodhan and his men occasionally visited the Pandavas in the wilderness to take fights. Another deathly foe, Jayadarath kidnapped the Durpatidi, but Pandavas saved him, after completing the conditions of the dice game by living in exile, returned the Pandav Hasatinapura so that he could reclaim his kingdom, but Durayodhan had to land him a certain bed. Refuse to give sorrow. The situation between Kauravas and Pandavas became extremely stressful. Krishna tried to make peace among the parties, but a war on the battlefields of Kurukshetra was launched. Krishna became Arjun's chariot driver and the armies spoke to Arjun's Bhagavad Gita when armies started fighting. After eighteen days, the war was over.
All the great heroes of the Kaurav dynasty, with millions of soldiers, were killed on the battlefield. Only Pandavas and a few small handful remained. One of the remaining warriors, Asavarathama, hopes to eliminate the royal Descent while the children of Daraupadi killed themselves in their sleep. Even though Prince Durayodhan wanted to take some final revenge, he was scared of the atrocity and died of grieving. Pandavas arrested Asavathama before dupadi him, but compassion made his request for his life. Negligent Asavathama, an unidentified grandson of Arjun's wife Uttara in the womb, made another attempt to kill the remaining successor. He threw a Brahmin (atomic) weapon in Uttara, and when he saw the missile coming up, he went to Krishna for security. Krishna, who was preparing to go for his state, beat the missile with his Sudarshan Chakra. The child grew up to become the successor of the Parikitasak state.
When Gadhiari Kurukshetra came and saw the bodies of his sons scattered on the battlefield, he blamed Krishna for everything. She cursed her that in the thirty-six years she would lose everything and die, so that she roegi in her family like she was crying. Then King Dhritarasatar, Gadhiari, Kuti and his guru went to Vidura and Sanjay Wilder.
Krishna Dynasties and death deaths
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Pandav lived in sorrow because of his separation from his relatives. Six years later, Yudhishathir saw his mother in a dream and they all went to the woods to see him. He took Sage and Dada in the family with him. Gadhiari and Kuti told Dia that they wanted to see their dead relatives. Vyas advised him to drown in Ganga, which he did, and when he came out, he stood in the banks of Karan, Durayodhan and all other rivers. Even the dark King Dhritarasatar saw the vision. After returning to Pandav Hasatinapura, two days later, the wildfire killed Dhritarasatar, Kuti and Gadhiari.
After the Great War the Yudhishathir became king, but the family ruled Arjun's son Parikasit as the king just a few years ago. Pandavas and Durapadi left their physical functions to prepare for life's end (Maha-Pradhan). They moved to the Himalayan mountains where there is heaven, the first was running in a row with Yudhishathir, then other brothers, Dalapadi, and eventually the dog of Yudhishathir. As long as they climbed the mountains, the first Durapati died, each brother died, until eventually the yudhishathirs reached the entrance to heaven, followed only by the dog. God Indra were there to meet him. When Yudhishathir realized that his brother and wife were dead, he did not want to go to heaven alone, but Indra said other people were already waiting for them, thus Yudhishathir and the dog entered into Heaven with Lord Indra.
Along with the curse of the Gadhiari, another curse disrespects Krishna's dynasty, which contributed to its destruction. Once a few sons of Krishna were playing around and he wore the samba as a pregnant woman, and brought them in front of some travelling sage Vishwamitar, Kanava and Narad Muni. In the tilt, he asked Saints to infer what type of baby samba will lead. Disgraced, Rishi said he would rise to the iron stick which would become a means to fulfill the prophecy of the demise of their dynasty. Fearful and repentant, the boys asked Krishna what to do, but Krishna accepted the curse and said it had to be. When the samba was given the iron stick the next day, Yadav (sons of Krishna) filed it in powder and threw it into the sea. Krishna imposed a ban on alcohol in Dwarka,Expect to avoid the coming due. Yet the evil omens began: the mice were multiplied and invaded in their sleep on humans, born from sheep-like lambs, donkey from cows, and cats born from mules. Krishna's Sudarshan Chakra cycle vanished into the sky.
Finally the iron stick powder was washed on the edge and overrun in the grass like arrows. Yadav went drunk and used rods to kill another one. Even Krishna defeated people with anger. In this inflammatory war, all the descendants of Krishna kill each other. Krishna sent His Messenger Daruka Hadinpura to inform Arjun of the demise of the Yajanav race, then consoled the women in the palace. He told his wives that Arjun would take care of him and go to the wilderness. Krishna's brother Balram was sitting under a tree and his life came out like a white snake with his mouth and entered the sea. Krishna had wandered into the forest for a while, then sat to meditate. When a hunter named Cumin came, he planted Krishna wrong for a buck and hit an arrow in his leg. Krishna died at a time and his soul rose to heaven.Arjun had died at the funeral after many of Krishna's rites and his doctrine principles. Arjun went to Hasatinapura with the remaining wives, but on the way, Vanvasio was attacked and the women dove into the Satsavati River and died to escape.
At that time, philosophers and scholars knew that Krishna's death marks the age of the current degradation, beginning in the black age. Thus, to preserve this legacy and tales of Krishna for future generations, he held a conference in the Forest of Naimasharanay. Rishi discussed all of these stories and wrote everything later by Rishio, one of the Saints, who is now Śrīmad Bhagavatam.
Krishna book and the Monster from it
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)The child-abuse kamsa that afflicted Devsa and Vasudeva (Krishna's parents) was known as Debaki's brother, but it was an easy way to describe the relationship. In fact, her grandfather, Raja Devka, was the brother of Ugarasena. Ugarasena's wife was Kamsa because she had been raped. Kamsa Debaki's elder Uncle Ugarasena in the courtroom of the elder, who makes his second cousin Kamsa after being ousted. Therefore, it was not actually a case of the murder of a brother sister's children, but more of an uncle of Satate extended family to a young woman in the family. (This happened also in the Commons where the women persecuted their extended family. )
After all, Krishna's only surviving son Debaki killed Kamsa. Then the balram killed all the Kamsa's brethren. Here's a metaphor for this — a strong clue about the fate of the hair duravayavahariyo.
Another intense story for abuse victims is the story of Aghsura, the reptilian monster *. Although the meaning of the story has to be taken literally, like a dream, it also provides metaphor and is thus true on many levels. A level snake can represent the sodomy. Krishna protected the boys by killing Aghasura, but like many victims, the boys were unable to tell their story to anyone. It was because after the death of Agahsura, God Brahma kidnapped the missing boys (the boys remain unconscious in a cave, whereas Brahma has a seconds to change his back *). Thus evidence of the dead body of the snake is disintegrated while being held in dissolution.In the case of this, some leaders of the organisation took part in a conspiracy of abuse and silence. Those who were in charge were seen on the other side. The perpetrators threaten to stop their victims from speaking to them. These dynamics were seen in this because young people began to feel what had been done with them. The process began in 1 99 0 and continued till the 90.
Putatana's death (the demon who hid himself as a nurse, he tries to poison the baby Krishna *) shows a fair way to expose the child's Duravayavahariyo. The dead body of Putatana turned back into the ugly witch and fell into the horizon in the Vrindavan landscape. Everyone knew what happened and they rushed to protect baby Krishna. Then they broke the witch's body and burned. Ugly zombies are a metaphor for crimes of gangsters. When a child acts against violence, whether emotionally, physically or sexually, the way to overthrow that abuse is to expose them. Explain to the child that the perpetrator was wrong,So try every possible to help the child recover. In the case of sexual abuse, explain to the child that gender is a confusing topic for people of all ages, especially inexperienced children. Explain in a nutshell that adults who love each other get to enjoy them through touch and enjoy. Tell them that they will learn more about it when they are teenagers and invite them to ask for any questions they have. It is good to receive professional counseling for victims of abuse immediately after the occurrence of abuse.This could have had favorable results for their children, if only the leaders were willing to accept the same crimes and used more to help the victims.
Absorbed Demigods
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)It can be deep inside, almost all loving parents see their children as the embodiment of gods, great spirits or angels. However, people in the same take it as a religious fact established in their own texts. Krishna's book says that when Krishna was born, the deity Yadu were descending as a relative in the lineage. Sharila Parabhupad said that Demigods would take birth in the matter, which became a popular thing to talk to, and the children heard it hundreds of times by the time of the teen. In fact, they go around temples but often hear it often.
Until today, adults in the same-generation members point out that they are demigods who have originated in it. Many of them met Sharila Parabhupad and heard them and have had a tremendous impact on them, but if they were of gods, their lives could have been so unhappy that they were tortured and treated like prisoners of war?
The Demigodss of Greece and Rome, and even some Hindu gods, involve one another or the human race to suffer, highly in the fighting. The story of Krishna's birth is a horror story of child exploitation. Just imagine that Kamsa is looking to break a child against a rock and kill it. Imagine that her ears at the age of seven being slapped until blood flowing. The stories meet the logical consequences of human nature and their message is lovingly subtle. Perhaps that's why people love stories. Why would people like a story about a man who kills children? The answer is that it is part of a mosaic which reaches below the top of the human experience. There are lightweight and dark tiles, all make a consolidated picture. If we deny the black tiles, such as those who run between eleven gurus, we deny the black tiles.
The demigode of this can be found in the story of a strong metaphor metaphor Padav for children who were half human and half God. When Pandav came back from exile last time, Durayodhan refused to give him a pin hole of the ground. That hostility has stopped the Great War. It gives children all the risk by behaving as enemies or outsiders. According to the organization, he has done a lot to reduce the situation. Hopefully someday they will really respect their children and will revise.
It was his karma: Sadar-Gadharaba (six newborn children)
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Another explanation to the idea is that the first six sons of Debaki (killed by Kamsa), known as Sadar-Gadharaba, were also the first six sons of Hirnakashipuu (Gurukula's elder brother in Parahalada). Here's how it happened: At the beginning of the Universe Mairisi, one of the great Rishiss, had many wives. One of their wives, Urna had six sons. Due to the humiliation, his grandfather, Lord Brahman, cursed him for his birth as the sons of Hiranayakashayapu, then as the lucky Sons of Vasudeva and Debaki. In this sense, someone could argue that due to the curse of God Brahma, his karma was to become a demon, or to be struck by KAMSA. This may be the origin of the often heard useless statement in the: "It was to be used to abuse the karma of the children." "
The right of story is that a mother's love is more powerful than curse, or "karma". After returning to Mathura Krishna and Balram, Debaki asked Krishna to find his dead sons so that he could see them. Krishna and Balram travelled to the underworld and soon returned with six children. The Debaki kept them in their lap and happily fed them and cared for them. From the strength of Debaki's love, children were self-aware and offered prayers and worship to Krishna, Balram, Vasudeva and Debaki. Debaki's mother tongue canceled Brahma's curse and his six sons returned to their respective positions in heavenly planets. Debaki proved, love can change the karma of abused children. Instead of examining the whole story, it took a kashmakartao just a concept, "it was their karma." "This represents a diversion of the Scriptures to reject and reduce the damage made by it.
Sadly, there are instances of Gadharaba victims who were suffering because they had "bad karma". Outside of the characters described in Pavitarashasatar, we cannot see the gradual history of the people. There could have been children who were cursed by bad karma like the sorrow-Bandra. However, in most cases the children were simply innocent sufferers. Only God can solve the karma of the people correctly, so Bhagavad-Geeta Krishna is recommended that an advanced yogi try to obey everyone equally: "Sincere wishers, friends and enemies, Irashayapuran, holy, sinful and apathetic people and fair. "When someone says," it was their karma, "they take a broader decision. It shows complete disregard for the message of the Scriptures.
The perpetrators justify their behaviour that Krishna was abused by the demons of the Kamsa, and he properly abused Prahlad but still became a king. Instead of streamlining abuse, stories tell them that Krishna and Prahlad survive to become heroes despite the bad activities of their perpetrators. Another monstrous twirl of the scriptures would be to say that mother Yasoda had plucked Krishna from a grinding mortar, so it was okay to pair the children or keep them in the trash cans, bathroom, closet or attic. Still, this is basically what happened. Krishna was the worst punishment ever in stone. His worst experience at Gurukula was to lose firewood while collecting. Still, in any way the men were very spoiled and everyone saw the other side.
In Krishna's world, Nanda Maharaja, the father of Krishna, listened to Krishna and took his ideas seriously. The story of Govardhan Hill is an example. A close look at the scriptures shows that Krishna received constant tender love care from his parents and extended family. In Krishna book, the residents of Vrindavan established examples for compassionate child rearing. Stealing Krishna's flies, playing with calves and Govardhan Hill is a powerful symbol of innocent childhood and youth esteem. These are universal symbols, there was no one who was ever a member of it, could experience these symbols in a Hindu or Gurukula dream, or could be enticing with reading the story
Krishna was born in a historical historical period before a disastrous war. War factions built up so many weapons that the burden on the earth became unbearable. Finally the goddess of the Earth took the form of the cow and prayed to God Brahma for relief. God Brahma summoned all the gods on the coast of the ocean to listen to the Mother Earth and the supreme personality of the deity, worshipping Lord Vishnu. Reading the Vedic hymns, known as the old hymns of God Brahma, fell into trance and heard the voice of Lord Vishnu. Then he declared, "O Gods, listen to God's words." She is aware of the crisis on Earth and wants you to become a deity for Avatar as Yaduly tame sons and daughters. The Supreme Personality of God, Lord Krishna, is personally manifested as the son of Vasudeva. Therefore all of you will be evicted to join the eternal pastimes of Lord Krishna. "
Shri Krishna Biography |
The Lord Brahma consoled the cow and sent him home, then returned to his planet, Barahamokok. The gods began to yadu in the lineage, waiting for the presence of Lord Krishna. Members of the Yadu dynasty, headed by Vasudeva and Debaki, were all gods with their friends, relatives and wishers. The residents of Vrindavan in King Nanda, headed by Rani Yasoda and Queen Rohini, were also demigods.
King Kamasa was another relative in the family, though he was not a deity. He unloaded his father Ugarasena's throne, and put him in jail. When Ugassena's family member Debaki married the Vasudeva, he received a large dowry of elephants, horses, chariotss and servants. After the wedding, Kamsa started to take the edge of the wedding chariot and enter the couple's house. On the way, a voice from the sky addressed him: "You stupid King, the eighth son of Debaki would kill you!"
Kamasa pulled Debaki from his hair, pulled his sword and prepared to kill him on the spot, but Vousdev urged for his bride's life and promised to kill her eighth child so that the Araikal would not be complete. Kamasa agreed to abandon his life, but stopped Vasudeva and Debaki in a stone prison. After that, he killed the first six sons of Debaki cruelly. Debaki's seventh son aborted the abortion but mysteriously moved to the womb of the Queen Rohini in Vrindavan. It became Krishna's elder brother Balarama. Soon after, Debaki became pregnant with his eighth child.
Presence of Krishna
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Four armed Vishnu was born in the stroke of midnight as Krishna was wearing silk and jewellery with four weapons, shellfish, discs, clubs and Lotus. His parents prayed to convert themselves into a normal child so they could hide it from Kamsa. God advised the Vasudeva to take them vrindavan and exchanged them with a girl who was just born. Then he turned himself into a child.
Magically, Kamsa's prison guards went to sleep, and all the iron pieces, chains and locks were automatically opened. Without asking questions on this, Vasudeva took the baby and departed for Vrindavan. Like the story of Moses, Krishna's story also includes a part of the water, allowing Vasudeva to move Krishna to Vrindavan in the Jamuna River. When Vasudeva Nanda arrived home, all the whites slept. Thus he put his son on the bed of Yasoda, picked up his newborn girl and returned to the jail of Kamsa.
There was a chance that Kamsa would leave the child because Omen said that it would be the eighth son who would kill him. Debaki begged him, but Kamasa pulled the child with his arms and dashed him against the stones. The girl slipped with her hands and rose above her head as eight armed form of Goddess Durga, was wearing good clothes and jewelry. He said, "the enemy you think of is living somewhere else. You are foolish to hurt innocent children. Krishna would kill you. "
Kamasa repented and urged Debaki and Vasudeva to pardon him for their sins. He freed them from his heaps and regretted tears of regret fell on his feet. The next day, however, the ministers of Kamsa advised them to take action to abandon their emotional approach and kill all the newborn children of the region. He also advised them to disturb the gods and saints. The new rule is parallel to this story. When the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Herod killed all the newborn children of the region, known as the genocide of the Innocents. On the basis of a dream, Joseph took the baby Jesus to Egypt, and returned only after Herod died.
Krishna's childhood in Vrindavan
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)When Yashoda and Nanda found Krishna as their son, they covertly carried out all the religious ceremonies to escape the wrath of Kamsa. Family astrologer, Garagamuni, said, "Your son Krishna is God's supreme personality." He protect you from the oppression of Kamsa, and only by His grace, you will overcome all difficulties. So take her carefully, because many monsters try to attack her. "
This alert proved true because in his childhood, Krishna approached lies with all other demons and Irashayapuran and misleading gods kamsa monsters.
Krishna Flute |
Krishna kills Witch Putatana
(Lord Krishna Biographyy) Kamsa admitted the demon named Putatana to kill the newborns. The monster was worn as a beautiful woman and flew over his broom to Krishna's nursery, hoping to kill him with poison suffering from poison on his nipples. Krishna's mother Putatana innocently to take the baby and put it in his chest. Krishna closed his eyes and depleteed his life, killed him, and did not poison him. When the soul of the Putatana went away, his body returned to its real form: a huge witch who broke the tree, which stretched twelve miles into the landscape. Pushna's soul gained salvation due to his generous work of offering his breast milk to Krishna and the residents of Vrindavan did the body.
After Krishna's murder, the elder Gopi (the women of the village) raised him and did a good ritual for his safety and purification. He bathed him and chanted religious mantras to prevent further attacks. Sharila Parabhupad told Krishna in the book: "Vrindavan's affection for the elderly Gopi Krishna was so absorbed that he wanted to save it, though it was not needed, because he had already saved himself." They did not understand that Krishna was the highest gadhed's personality playing as a child. "(page 47)
Krishna's parents celebrated the love of children, their birthdays and other sanskars of the path. He worked in a way to bring his children into mischief, for example, Krishna and Balram would come into cow cow, hold the tail of a calf and stand up. Calves Khichege around them and they will be covered with mud. Instead of being annoyed, the mother bulaegis her friends to see the fun. Mother Yasoda never hit Krishna, but once he plucked it from a grinding mortar, when he stole butter and fed the monkeys. The Scriptures explained that as soon as she tried to bind it, the rope was too small. He used the long rope, but it was always very low. Sharila Parabhupad points out that "Krishna appreciated her mother's hard work, and being compassionate to them, she was ready to chime the ropes." (Krishna book, page 66)
Krishna tried to crawl and trapped a mortar between two Arjun trees in the courtyard. Trees fell and two magnificent gods emerged and Krishna prayed. Narad Muni cursed that souls stood as trees for a hundred years, and Krishna freed them up.
When the boys got a little bigger, they had their day playing with calves in the nearby grounds. Their mother cooked lunch and called them from the fields, or they would pack lunches for them. The children were believed to be family property and had been protected from misbehaving. However, instead of a parent protecting Krishna, it is the child who protects the village and all its people.
Krishna killed the snake demon Aghsura
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)One day the boy went missing playing his game, emulating the peacock and running after the shadow of the birds on the ground, when he came on the Hill Cave. It was actually the monster brother of Putatana, who had extended himself into an eight-mile-long snake to kill the boys. The spotting for the cave was his mouth. The boys had a warm air look which seemed to smell like fish, or the snake's intestines.
The scriptures say that when the boys went to the cave, Krishna was momentarily afflicted because he knew it was one of the tricks of Kamsa. He mused for a moment, then decided to enter the cave himself. When Krishna went inside, the monsters became happier all over the world. The gods, hiding between the clouds, were upset to see what would happen. At one time it seemed as if the snake-demon had killed Krishna, but when Krishna heard the appeal of the gods, he grew up and suppressed the demon to death. Aghsura's life was winded through a hole in his skull and Krishna was waiting to come out, then he merged into his body. Krishna showed his generous nature by saving his friends and deliberating the Aghasura.
God Brahma is the abduction of Cowherd boys
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)When Aghsura died, the gods prayed, threw flowers, and beat the drums. Hearing Temptation, Lord Brahma arrived on the scene. At that time, Brahma kidnapped children of children, a crime that was outrageous of a deity. Krishna was unhappy because of the misery of Brahma, he would go to the village alone. Instead, he decided to expand himself into alternative boys and calves, which were basically perfectly visible, and he returned to the village with them. No one could tell the difference, but the families showed that spontaneous affection for their sons (who were actually expanding to God). Krishna's brother Balram noted the behavior of the parents and asked Krishna what was going on. Krishna explained how God Brahma kidnapped the real boys and calves.
Brahma made a mistake in trying to test Krishna's power. From returning to Brahma a year ago life went like this. The time of Brahma passes very fast, so it seemed to be only a moment. However, when he returned, he was shocked to see the boys and calves fighting with Krishna, although nothing had happened. Krishna knew that Brahma was disturbed, so he converted all the boys and calves into four armed Vishnu forms. Brahma heard the music and saw many Brahmins, Shiva, Gods and fauna (souls) singing the names and dances of God. The mind of Brahma opened in sight for the first time, but then it became irritating, so Krishna ended the dazzling scene.
When Brahma became awake, he realized that he was confronted with God's highest personality with Krishna, who was applying his eternal time as a disappearing boy in the spiritual land of Vrindavan. Brahma immediately descended from his goose-carrier and fell into the prostate for the forgiveness of Krishna. After offering glorious prayer and penance for his behaviour, Brahma surrounded Krishna three times and returned to his planet.
Exactly one year ago, Krishna left his friends lunching on the bank of the Jamuna River. When he returned, he had just started eating, and thought Krishna had gone for only a second. None of the boys realized that a full year had passed and had them asleep in the cave, when they went to sleep in the cave. When the child returned home and told his parents about the Aghasur monster, the demon's corpse disintegrated, so the parents thought the children were just a wild story from fiction.
Krishna Lift Govardhan Hill
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Vishnu embodies the security in his many forms and Krishna (along with other things) were the incarnations of Vishnu (avatar). It is said that the residents of Vrindavan were sometimes aware of it and sometimes depended on Krishna to protect them. A good example was when Krishna picked up the Govardhan Hill. Every year, residents of Vrindavan worshipped Lord Indra for the supply of rain. One year when Krishna was young, he asked Nandy to worship Govardhan Hill instead of Indra. "We do not get any special benefits from Indra," Krishna argued. Our distinctive relationship is with Govardhan Hill and Vrindavan Forest. We have nothing to do with Indra. (Krishna book, page 170)
Finally agreed with King Nanda Krishna and Govardhan Hill ready for the sacrificial ascender. It made God Indra angry and jealous. To forget Krishna's divine status, Indra argued, "These missing men in Vrindavan have neglected their right to the advice that the boy is known as Krishna." He is not a child, and by believing this child, he has put me in anger. (Krishna book, page 174) Indra then sent a storm to devastate Vrindavan. Krishna came to all the people and the animal shelter, and in a miraculous show of strength, Krishna lifted Govaradan Hill with a finger to the mountain in a huge umbrella.Everyone stayed safe until the crowd below it and the rain is closed. Later on, god Indra realized his mistake in attacking Krishna and asking for forgiveness. It is an example of one of the gods who behaved like demon. Krishna tells the book, "Indra became angry because he thought he had everything within this universe and no one was as powerful. "(page 180)
End of Kamsa
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Kamsa's Demons harassed children in the entire region for fifteen years. By magic, Krishna and Balram killed them as part of their divine drama or Leela. Thus, the residents of Vrindavan were thankful about Krishna recalling his Master's prophecy. After Krishna killed the Arisata (ox) Monster, the great sage Narad Muni Kamsa the palace and told him that Krishna and Balram were the seventh and eighth sons of the Vasudeva. Narad described the events occurring on the night of Krishna's birth and confirmed that Krishna would complete his death in Krishna's hands.
Upon hearing the news, Kamsa again recaptured Debaki and Vasudeva and renewed his pledge to kill Krishna and Balram. He called for Keshi Demon and other great demons, and if didn't work, he planned to draw the boys to the wrestling match with their two strongest wrestlers. He referred to his servant Akarura to bring the boys back to Mathura. It will be the transition of Krishna and balram into adulthood, as they never return to the time of mild hearts of youth, playing in the grasslands or dancing with the young Gopi.
Krishna was confused with fear waiting for Krishna to come, and was unable to sleep at night because of bad dreams. He saw his headache in the mirror, everything doubled, and he saw the pile of sky as a hole. He saw a hole in his shadow and left no trace when he went.
Krishna and Balram entered the magnificent city with their friends. They came into the wrestling ring and accepted the challenge to fight the demons of Kamsa. After fighting for a few moments, Krishna and Balram easily killed their opponents. Everyone except Kamsa cheered on the amazing defeat. The wicked King paused the festivities and shouted: "Vasudeva two wicked sons out of the city! Seize the property of the disappearance and arrest that evil man Nanda! Beat that svelte inspired Vasudeva! My father, Ugarasena, also beat his followers, who have prejudice with our enemies. "
Krishna stood up, seized Kamsa, knocked his crown and pulled him into the wrestling mat with his hair. There he easily killed Kamsa, killed them by his fist. Eight small brothers of Kamsa attacked Krishna and Balram, but Balram killed him easily with his club. Krishna and Balram met their parents, but Debaki and Vasudeva were afraid to complete the prophecy, and because of a sense of respect they were scared to hug their sons. After that incident, Krishna and Balram entered the Gurukula and became a prince in Yadu's court.
Dhritarasatar's Court
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)At the time of Krishna, Andhra Raja Dhritarasatar led the lunar descent in Hasatinapur. His wife, Rani Gadhiari, had a hundred sons who were called Kaurav, the oldest of which was Durayodhan. The royal Palace also had grandfather Bhisasa, the king's uncle, and Queen Kuti and their five sons. Kuti's late husband, Padu was the brother of King Dhritarasatar, so Kaurav was his nephew.
Krishna was also the Kuti's nephew, because his brother was Vasudeva Krishna's father. He got away from his family at his cousin Kutibhoja's palace. When he was a child, Kuti was pleased by the powerful Sage Duravasa Muni, who gave him a mantra that he could conceive five sons from the gods. He tested the mantra and the sun God gave him, which he secretly drifted into the river. Karan Kauravas for being a great warrior, and Kuti later disclosed that he was his real mother.
When Kuti married the Padu, he used the mantra for three sons and: Yudhishathir, Bhima and Arjun. Padu was cursed to die if he had ever tried to have sex with his wives, he was happy that Kuti could get sons from the gods. He asked him to give his second wife Madari last chance, who later had twins, Nakul and Sehdev. These five children were Pandav brothers.
After all, Padu attempted to have sex with Madari and immediately died from the curse. Madari killed himself at the funeral but survived to take care of Kuti's children. He and his son moved to the palace of Dhritarasatar, in hundred Kauravas provoked disgusting and jealousy. His son Bhima created problems with other children because he was a bully. In return, the Kaurav brothers once tied him up and threw him into the sea, but Bhima returned with additional Sidadhiyo (yoga Powers), and made them even more irritating.
This time Grandpa Bhisham nominated Pandav and Kaurav Brothers in archery training under the famous arrow, Darona. At the end of his lessons, Arjun gave up the first place in Darona tests, and it was another factor of prodding the jealousy in Kauravas. As the last request of his students (Guru-Southern), Darona asked him to arrest the neighboring king, Darupad and bring the justice there. Kaurav failed, but Arjun succeeded, Pandav's situation increased.
When he finished his training as a prince, Dhritarasatar accepted Kuti's oldest son Yudhishathir as the successor to the throne. Dhritarasatar's move was an indirect insult to his oldest son Durayodhan, whom he considered a buffalo. It has angered the Kauravas and deepened the family in the conflict which will eventually emerge in the destructive war, the base of the most fundamental books of Hinduism: The Mahabharata and the Bhagavad-Gita.
Feeling angry and jealous of Pandavas, Durayodhan planned to kill them. On a family pilgrimage, they built a house of millions for them, and after that their staff had set it ablaze. Kauravas thought the Pandav were dead but they escaped an underground tunnel and lived anonymously in the wilderness for a while. After all, he heard about the Pachali, the hands of the Princess of Durapadi, and the Engagement Contest (Savayamavar), and went there in disguise.The aim of Svayamvara was that the participants had to do a heavy bow string and an arrow was Marni to shoot five arrows in the eye of a fish that had a hang on the target. Many were gathered, including Prince Kauravas, but Arjun won the competition and brought Durdadi back to the forest retreat with him. Others were unhappy with losing to Prince Durpatidi, but Krishna argued Arjun's favour. When he arrived home with Durdadi, Arjun told his mother that he had won a great prize on that day. Without knowing what it was, Kuti instructed him The sons had to divide it equally by themselves, and thus they all shared the Dulahadi as their bride.
Pandavas was happy to find still alive, and married a major ruler in the family, and so Rajadhararasatar invited him to come back Hasatinapura and give his sons Yudhishathir half of the state. Yudhishathir built his castle and lived peacefully with his brothers, Durapadi and their other wives.
Reunion at Kurukshetra
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)On the occasion of the solar eclipse, all the royal families were Kurukshetra to observe religious sanskars. Kurukshetra will later become the battleground for the Great War, but now it was known only as the sacred place of pilgrimage. In the last millennium, the ancient incarnation of God Parashuram had killed thousands of wicked military kings, and his blood had formed a river in that place.
When the royal family met their relations in Kurukshetra, Love had great exchanges. Krishna described the book, "after being separated from the long-time meeting, they were all enthusiastic; Their hearts were tilted, and their faces appeared like fresh-blooming lotus flowers. Their eyes were falling off the drops of tears, the hairs on their bodies finally stood, and due to their extreme enthusiasm, they were temporarily bhashanahin. "(Page 86)
At the meeting, Vasudeva and Kuti, who were brothers and sisters, mourned their long isolation. Kuti complained about whatever was done due to Durayodhan. Vasudeva reminded him that he loved him and would be there to help, except that his life was miserable because of the Kamasa's oppression.
Krishna and Balram met Vrindavan's residents and renewed their relationships with their foster parents, Nanda, Yasoda and Rohini and Gopi, the disappearing girls. Gopi was particularly pleased to see Krishna again, as he never fulfilled his promise of returning to Vrindavan. Krishna and Balram met his childhood friends, Krishna's parents Vrindavan Vasudeva and Debaki. Eventually, Vasudeva told Nanda the events around Krishna's birth, and both Krishna felt grateful for his fate as his son. While Nanda and Yasoda sometimes thought Krishna as their ordinary child, Vasudev and Debaki were always mindful of Krishna's divinity.
Great War
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Durayodhan Pandavas was angry and wanted to take them out of the state. He challenged the game of dice to Yudhishathir, in which Yudhishathir lost everything, including his brethren, Durapadi and himself. Kauravas brought Daladi to the ground to break up his saree and humiliate him, but he prayed to Krishna and he mysteriously provided an unseen length of cloth.
Raja Dhritarasatar came on the scene and gave everything back to the Pandavas and sent them home. Soon after that, despite warnings and protests from all sides, Durayodhan convinced Yudhishathir to play the dice again, and Yudhishathir lost again. Thus to meet the terms of the stake, Kuti, Pandavas and Durapadi went wilder for twelve years, and kept an extra year's secret.
For a few years Pandav moved north as Badarishasharam in the Himalayas, then returned to neighboring areas. At the end of his relegation, the battle between Pandavas and Kauravas got heated again. Durayodhan and his men occasionally visited the Pandavas in the wilderness to take fights. Another deathly foe, Jayadarath kidnapped the Durpatidi, but Pandavas saved him, after completing the conditions of the dice game by living in exile, returned the Pandav Hasatinapura so that he could reclaim his kingdom, but Durayodhan had to land him a certain bed. Refuse to give sorrow. The situation between Kauravas and Pandavas became extremely stressful. Krishna tried to make peace among the parties, but a war on the battlefields of Kurukshetra was launched. Krishna became Arjun's chariot driver and the armies spoke to Arjun's Bhagavad Gita when armies started fighting. After eighteen days, the war was over.
All the great heroes of the Kaurav dynasty, with millions of soldiers, were killed on the battlefield. Only Pandavas and a few small handful remained. One of the remaining warriors, Asavarathama, hopes to eliminate the royal Descent while the children of Daraupadi killed themselves in their sleep. Even though Prince Durayodhan wanted to take some final revenge, he was scared of the atrocity and died of grieving. Pandavas arrested Asavathama before dupadi him, but compassion made his request for his life. Negligent Asavathama, an unidentified grandson of Arjun's wife Uttara in the womb, made another attempt to kill the remaining successor. He threw a Brahmin (atomic) weapon in Uttara, and when he saw the missile coming up, he went to Krishna for security. Krishna, who was preparing to go for his state, beat the missile with his Sudarshan Chakra. The child grew up to become the successor of the Parikitasak state.
When Gadhiari Kurukshetra came and saw the bodies of his sons scattered on the battlefield, he blamed Krishna for everything. She cursed her that in the thirty-six years she would lose everything and die, so that she roegi in her family like she was crying. Then King Dhritarasatar, Gadhiari, Kuti and his guru went to Vidura and Sanjay Wilder.
Krishna Dynasties and death deaths
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Pandav lived in sorrow because of his separation from his relatives. Six years later, Yudhishathir saw his mother in a dream and they all went to the woods to see him. He took Sage and Dada in the family with him. Gadhiari and Kuti told Dia that they wanted to see their dead relatives. Vyas advised him to drown in Ganga, which he did, and when he came out, he stood in the banks of Karan, Durayodhan and all other rivers. Even the dark King Dhritarasatar saw the vision. After returning to Pandav Hasatinapura, two days later, the wildfire killed Dhritarasatar, Kuti and Gadhiari.
After the Great War the Yudhishathir became king, but the family ruled Arjun's son Parikasit as the king just a few years ago. Pandavas and Durapadi left their physical functions to prepare for life's end (Maha-Pradhan). They moved to the Himalayan mountains where there is heaven, the first was running in a row with Yudhishathir, then other brothers, Dalapadi, and eventually the dog of Yudhishathir. As long as they climbed the mountains, the first Durapati died, each brother died, until eventually the yudhishathirs reached the entrance to heaven, followed only by the dog. God Indra were there to meet him. When Yudhishathir realized that his brother and wife were dead, he did not want to go to heaven alone, but Indra said other people were already waiting for them, thus Yudhishathir and the dog entered into Heaven with Lord Indra.
Along with the curse of the Gadhiari, another curse disrespects Krishna's dynasty, which contributed to its destruction. Once a few sons of Krishna were playing around and he wore the samba as a pregnant woman, and brought them in front of some travelling sage Vishwamitar, Kanava and Narad Muni. In the tilt, he asked Saints to infer what type of baby samba will lead. Disgraced, Rishi said he would rise to the iron stick which would become a means to fulfill the prophecy of the demise of their dynasty. Fearful and repentant, the boys asked Krishna what to do, but Krishna accepted the curse and said it had to be. When the samba was given the iron stick the next day, Yadav (sons of Krishna) filed it in powder and threw it into the sea. Krishna imposed a ban on alcohol in Dwarka,Expect to avoid the coming due. Yet the evil omens began: the mice were multiplied and invaded in their sleep on humans, born from sheep-like lambs, donkey from cows, and cats born from mules. Krishna's Sudarshan Chakra cycle vanished into the sky.
Finally the iron stick powder was washed on the edge and overrun in the grass like arrows. Yadav went drunk and used rods to kill another one. Even Krishna defeated people with anger. In this inflammatory war, all the descendants of Krishna kill each other. Krishna sent His Messenger Daruka Hadinpura to inform Arjun of the demise of the Yajanav race, then consoled the women in the palace. He told his wives that Arjun would take care of him and go to the wilderness. Krishna's brother Balram was sitting under a tree and his life came out like a white snake with his mouth and entered the sea. Krishna had wandered into the forest for a while, then sat to meditate. When a hunter named Cumin came, he planted Krishna wrong for a buck and hit an arrow in his leg. Krishna died at a time and his soul rose to heaven.Arjun had died at the funeral after many of Krishna's rites and his doctrine principles. Arjun went to Hasatinapura with the remaining wives, but on the way, Vanvasio was attacked and the women dove into the Satsavati River and died to escape.
At that time, philosophers and scholars knew that Krishna's death marks the age of the current degradation, beginning in the black age. Thus, to preserve this legacy and tales of Krishna for future generations, he held a conference in the Forest of Naimasharanay. Rishi discussed all of these stories and wrote everything later by Rishio, one of the Saints, who is now Śrīmad Bhagavatam.
Krishna book and the Monster from it
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)The child-abuse kamsa that afflicted Devsa and Vasudeva (Krishna's parents) was known as Debaki's brother, but it was an easy way to describe the relationship. In fact, her grandfather, Raja Devka, was the brother of Ugarasena. Ugarasena's wife was Kamsa because she had been raped. Kamsa Debaki's elder Uncle Ugarasena in the courtroom of the elder, who makes his second cousin Kamsa after being ousted. Therefore, it was not actually a case of the murder of a brother sister's children, but more of an uncle of Satate extended family to a young woman in the family. (This happened also in the Commons where the women persecuted their extended family. )
After all, Krishna's only surviving son Debaki killed Kamsa. Then the balram killed all the Kamsa's brethren. Here's a metaphor for this — a strong clue about the fate of the hair duravayavahariyo.
Another intense story for abuse victims is the story of Aghsura, the reptilian monster *. Although the meaning of the story has to be taken literally, like a dream, it also provides metaphor and is thus true on many levels. A level snake can represent the sodomy. Krishna protected the boys by killing Aghasura, but like many victims, the boys were unable to tell their story to anyone. It was because after the death of Agahsura, God Brahma kidnapped the missing boys (the boys remain unconscious in a cave, whereas Brahma has a seconds to change his back *). Thus evidence of the dead body of the snake is disintegrated while being held in dissolution.In the case of this, some leaders of the organisation took part in a conspiracy of abuse and silence. Those who were in charge were seen on the other side. The perpetrators threaten to stop their victims from speaking to them. These dynamics were seen in this because young people began to feel what had been done with them. The process began in 1 99 0 and continued till the 90.
Putatana's death (the demon who hid himself as a nurse, he tries to poison the baby Krishna *) shows a fair way to expose the child's Duravayavahariyo. The dead body of Putatana turned back into the ugly witch and fell into the horizon in the Vrindavan landscape. Everyone knew what happened and they rushed to protect baby Krishna. Then they broke the witch's body and burned. Ugly zombies are a metaphor for crimes of gangsters. When a child acts against violence, whether emotionally, physically or sexually, the way to overthrow that abuse is to expose them. Explain to the child that the perpetrator was wrong,So try every possible to help the child recover. In the case of sexual abuse, explain to the child that gender is a confusing topic for people of all ages, especially inexperienced children. Explain in a nutshell that adults who love each other get to enjoy them through touch and enjoy. Tell them that they will learn more about it when they are teenagers and invite them to ask for any questions they have. It is good to receive professional counseling for victims of abuse immediately after the occurrence of abuse.This could have had favorable results for their children, if only the leaders were willing to accept the same crimes and used more to help the victims.
Absorbed Demigods
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)It can be deep inside, almost all loving parents see their children as the embodiment of gods, great spirits or angels. However, people in the same take it as a religious fact established in their own texts. Krishna's book says that when Krishna was born, the deity Yadu were descending as a relative in the lineage. Sharila Parabhupad said that Demigods would take birth in the matter, which became a popular thing to talk to, and the children heard it hundreds of times by the time of the teen. In fact, they go around temples but often hear it often.
Until today, adults in the same-generation members point out that they are demigods who have originated in it. Many of them met Sharila Parabhupad and heard them and have had a tremendous impact on them, but if they were of gods, their lives could have been so unhappy that they were tortured and treated like prisoners of war?
The Demigodss of Greece and Rome, and even some Hindu gods, involve one another or the human race to suffer, highly in the fighting. The story of Krishna's birth is a horror story of child exploitation. Just imagine that Kamsa is looking to break a child against a rock and kill it. Imagine that her ears at the age of seven being slapped until blood flowing. The stories meet the logical consequences of human nature and their message is lovingly subtle. Perhaps that's why people love stories. Why would people like a story about a man who kills children? The answer is that it is part of a mosaic which reaches below the top of the human experience. There are lightweight and dark tiles, all make a consolidated picture. If we deny the black tiles, such as those who run between eleven gurus, we deny the black tiles.
The demigode of this can be found in the story of a strong metaphor metaphor Padav for children who were half human and half God. When Pandav came back from exile last time, Durayodhan refused to give him a pin hole of the ground. That hostility has stopped the Great War. It gives children all the risk by behaving as enemies or outsiders. According to the organization, he has done a lot to reduce the situation. Hopefully someday they will really respect their children and will revise.
It was his karma: Sadar-Gadharaba (six newborn children)
(Lord Krishna Biographyy)Another explanation to the idea is that the first six sons of Debaki (killed by Kamsa), known as Sadar-Gadharaba, were also the first six sons of Hirnakashipuu (Gurukula's elder brother in Parahalada). Here's how it happened: At the beginning of the Universe Mairisi, one of the great Rishiss, had many wives. One of their wives, Urna had six sons. Due to the humiliation, his grandfather, Lord Brahman, cursed him for his birth as the sons of Hiranayakashayapu, then as the lucky Sons of Vasudeva and Debaki. In this sense, someone could argue that due to the curse of God Brahma, his karma was to become a demon, or to be struck by KAMSA. This may be the origin of the often heard useless statement in the: "It was to be used to abuse the karma of the children." "
The right of story is that a mother's love is more powerful than curse, or "karma". After returning to Mathura Krishna and Balram, Debaki asked Krishna to find his dead sons so that he could see them. Krishna and Balram travelled to the underworld and soon returned with six children. The Debaki kept them in their lap and happily fed them and cared for them. From the strength of Debaki's love, children were self-aware and offered prayers and worship to Krishna, Balram, Vasudeva and Debaki. Debaki's mother tongue canceled Brahma's curse and his six sons returned to their respective positions in heavenly planets. Debaki proved, love can change the karma of abused children. Instead of examining the whole story, it took a kashmakartao just a concept, "it was their karma." "This represents a diversion of the Scriptures to reject and reduce the damage made by it.
Sadly, there are instances of Gadharaba victims who were suffering because they had "bad karma". Outside of the characters described in Pavitarashasatar, we cannot see the gradual history of the people. There could have been children who were cursed by bad karma like the sorrow-Bandra. However, in most cases the children were simply innocent sufferers. Only God can solve the karma of the people correctly, so Bhagavad-Geeta Krishna is recommended that an advanced yogi try to obey everyone equally: "Sincere wishers, friends and enemies, Irashayapuran, holy, sinful and apathetic people and fair. "When someone says," it was their karma, "they take a broader decision. It shows complete disregard for the message of the Scriptures.
The perpetrators justify their behaviour that Krishna was abused by the demons of the Kamsa, and he properly abused Prahlad but still became a king. Instead of streamlining abuse, stories tell them that Krishna and Prahlad survive to become heroes despite the bad activities of their perpetrators. Another monstrous twirl of the scriptures would be to say that mother Yasoda had plucked Krishna from a grinding mortar, so it was okay to pair the children or keep them in the trash cans, bathroom, closet or attic. Still, this is basically what happened. Krishna was the worst punishment ever in stone. His worst experience at Gurukula was to lose firewood while collecting. Still, in any way the men were very spoiled and everyone saw the other side.
In Krishna's world, Nanda Maharaja, the father of Krishna, listened to Krishna and took his ideas seriously. The story of Govardhan Hill is an example. A close look at the scriptures shows that Krishna received constant tender love care from his parents and extended family. In Krishna book, the residents of Vrindavan established examples for compassionate child rearing. Stealing Krishna's flies, playing with calves and Govardhan Hill is a powerful symbol of innocent childhood and youth esteem. These are universal symbols, there was no one who was ever a member of it, could experience these symbols in a Hindu or Gurukula dream, or could be enticing with reading the story
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