
Where did Lord Krishna spend his childhood, Gokul, Nand Gaon, or Vrindavan ?

Indeed, all of them as a city, they were on one side, morning Krishna was in Nandy gram, by evening or afternoon, he could be found in Govardhan or Vrindavan. So all these sights near Vrindavan in his childhood were his playing field. And here is also the answer to describe all the geographical features of this land.

And I'll tell you about some more importance, so I think you want to know why, it's good to know whether you're writing a paper thesis or a PhD, otherwise think you'll get to know the answer. , as you clearly knew he lived around Vrindavan in those villages, to see if you want to know the greatness of these places, it can be understood that it will increase your devotion. But if it's for curiosity, the mind is playing with you, commands you, and you don't even know that the mind is controlling you, because you understand your thoughts yourself.

Now the seeker asks questions, needs them and requires a question, but there are ample reasons behind them that will isolate them or clarify the doubts so they will have clarity on the spiritual path. But anyone will be aware of this software-minded, it can ruin your energy in stupid questions that take you away from the types of real concepts, questions, and what will make you progress in your spiritual endeavor. So the first thing you know is not mind, the other thing turns your attention to more important questions, like who you are or about your devotion, ask about your spertual practice meditations or concepts of scriptures, it means implementation etc. Questions may be important, though there are no criteria to know, yet you have to trust that there is some important point or benefit in such curiosity, not by considering devotional knowledge, devotion, meditation, and other spiritual concepts about practicing worship.
God blesses you,

All the above places. Nand Baba was a terrific community, so they never have to be permanently in a place.

Up to 3 years

lived in Gokula;

Slain Putatana, Tarinivatara, Sakasura

3-6 years

Moved to Vadvana;

Hariya Naga Necklaces

6-10 years

Cowherding in various parts of Vja

Lift Govardhan

Maharas with Gopi

Invited from Casa to Mathur

Slade Kuvaliya, Chanura, Casa.

10-28 years

Mathur lived in

At the age of 16, Gurukula were the labour of Sadeepeeni Muni in Avatipura or Ujajayani (Ujjain).

Slade ś Khakhsur. Return to Mathura

The various monsters and jarasadh Mathur protected from attacks.

Krishna also spent his childhood in Gokula, Vadvana, Nadagaram and Mathura.

lived in Gokula;

While living at the above locations, Kana also visited other parts of the pooja-manna. [1] [2] the whole area where Kanae had made his Bala-Leela no longer barajabhuumied or barajamadal. 3

3-6 years

There are 12 Mahavan (great forests), 24 Grove Sub-want (mini-forest), several Kuas or Sarovar (pond or lake), some mountains, several ferries of the Yamuna (Banks of the river), and various other spots-Mayala, which are associated with Bala-Leela (childhood time).

12 Mahavana are:-Madhuvan, Talavan, Kumudan, Bahulavana, Kamavana, Khadiravana, Vadvana, Bhadaravana, Bhairavana, Belavana,

24 UPA-Vana are:-Gokula, Govardhan, Varsāna, Naṅdagrāma, Saṅketa, Paramadra, Aḍīnga (Aringa), Sessai, Mat, Unchagram, Kelavana, Mr. Billets, Gandharvana, पारसोली, Bilchhu, Bacchavan, Ādibadri, Karahla, Ajnokh, पिपाना-Want (पिसया), कोकिलावाना, ददिगरामा, Kotwana and Ravala.

Milan Tomic

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