
11 interesting things about Krishna that most people do not know.


                                     Krishna was clearly 'friend' of his time. I mean, one of his many names was 'Mohan', which literally means 'deviation' and 'a charming'. We usually remember the 8th Avatar of Vishnu as a lovely butter thief, or in the Mahabharata as Arthur's Rathitor Guides, who helped the warrior find his way in the middle of the war. But Krishna is more than that.

Here are a few things about legendary mythology that most people probably do not know.

11 interesting things about Krishna that most people do not know, krishna images,radha images,gopala

1. Krishna has 108 names.

It is said that Lord Krishna has 108 names, among which the famous people are Gopal, Govind, Devakinandan, Mohan, Shyam, Ghanshyam, Hari, Giridhar, Bankey Bihari.

2. Krishna had a 16,108 wives.

Lord Krishna had a total of 16,108 wives, eight of which were his major wives, known as ' Ashatabharay ' namely Rukmini, Sathyabhama, Jabvati, Naganajiti, Kalindi, Mitaravida, Bhadra, Laxman, who gave birth to 10 sons. They rescued 16,100 women from a herd of demon Narakasur who had forcibly put them in captivity in their castle and freed them. However, they all returned to Lord Krishna because none of his families was willing to accept them back and so he did all the marriages to protect his dignity. However, it is said that there was never any relationship with them.

3. Krishna was cursed by Queen Gandari, causing his death and the destruction of his offspring.

Kurukshetra war killed all the sons of Gadhari. When Krishna approached him to pay his grief, the miserable mother cursed him that he would be destroyed with the Yad dynasty in 36 years. Krishna has already realized that Yadav was already turning into a morally repugnant race and he should be destroyed and therefore he calmly said that at the end of declaration of "facts" (if there is) it

4. Krishna's skin color was black and not blue, blue.

It is a matter of Krishna's good-looking folklore, but usually painted in paintings and statues as blue, but his skin color was really dark. Spiritualists believe that all their inclusive, magnetic aura had blue colors, and therefore they are usually painted as blue in color.

5. Krishna brought the dead son of his guru Sadipanee Muni back to life.

After completing his education under Guru Sadeepanee Muni, Krishna and Balram asked his master what he wanted as a guru Dakshina (a duty to provide knowledge). Guru Sadeepanee Muni asked him to reinstate his dead son who had vanished into an ocean near Parabhasa. Balram and Krishna went to the place where they learned that the son of his Guru was trapped by a demon who lived inside a shell named Pachajanay that he later took (God of death) and asked him to restore the boy. Thus, Krishna and Balram managed to restore the son of his master.

6. In Kurukshetra there was a war cry for Pandavas, Krishna was flying on his conch, Chinangya.

There was a powerful change in the whole world when the Panchangya was blown into a conch shell of Krishna. Krishna blew his conch to signal the beginning of the battle of Kurukshetra and finally symbolizing the victory of religion (religiousness).

7. Krishna belonged to Pandavas.

Pandit's mother Kunti was actually Vasudev's sister. Vasudev was the father of Krishna.

8. Eklavya was the cousin of Krishna, but was killed by him.

Eklavya, the skilled archer was the son of Devshar, who was Vasudev's brother (Vasudev was the father of Krishna). After Dronacharya, Eklavya cut his right thumb, Lord Krishna gave him a boon for reincarnation so that he could take revenge for him to take revenge. Eklavya has been reborn as a Dharmastyudmna, which Yagna got out of the fire, which was created for the sole purpose of killing Dronacharya.

It is also said that Lord Krishna killed the Eklavya. His father was the adoptive son of Devrashav Hunter, the king of Nishada Vayataraja Hiranadhananas. After sacrificing his right thumb after Eklavya, he himself grew thirsty to prove to the greatest archer and taught himself to be ambidexterous. He began to wander through the path of Dharma. Nishada Vayataraja was a long-time ally of Hiranadhanas Jarsadh, who was Krishna's enemy and when Krishna was carrying the Rukmini, Eklavya joined forces with Shishupla and Jarasadh. When the Eklavya challenged him, Krishna killed a rock alone. According to legend, Eklavya's death was nigh because he was later forced to give a force and would ruin havoc in Hasatinapur.

9. There are disputed reports about whether or not Radha, Krishna's wife was mentioned in ancient texts.

Krishna is said to have loved his wife, Radha, from the point of devotion and many images worship him. But the interesting thing is that many Adhayatamiyo have noted that none of the ancient scriptures have any footprint; Whether it be Śrīmad Bhagavatam or Mahabharata or Harivsham is about the life of Krishna. They argue that their name first emerged in the works of Acharya Nibarak and poet Jaydev. Others argue that their name has been carefully concealed in the scriptures such as Rigveda and some mythology.

10. Radha-Krishna relation was used to legitimize married sex in modern India

In March 2010, the Supreme Court announced that married sex was not a crime. The court argued that since Radha-Krishna lived together according to mythological legends, so sexual relations of marriage can not be treated as a crime.

11. The death of Krishna was the result of his own work against many curses and angles.

Krishna died due to the end of many curses. According to legends, Gandhi's curse on Krishna was that he would die with his offspring in 36 years. Krishna was cursed by the sage Durvas for a second time, when he was asked to wear his body. Krishna obeyed but he was resting on the ground, because Karkh did not apply on the feet of Durvasa. In anger, Durvas cursed Krishna that his death would be from his feet.

As Yadav, after the curse of the Gandhian, he brought up his destruction, Lord Krishna went to the yoga mausoleum under a tree. Her leg had been mistaken for a stalker, an animal by cumin and she hit an arrow at Krishna's foot. While discovering his mistake, he urged for forgiveness, but Krishna disclosed that Krishna had a Krishna RAM, and he had deceived him (Sugariv's brother) by shooting him back, and now he was deducting the results of his karma. Wali was reborn as a cumin and was appointed to kill Krishna.

Hindu mythology ensures an interesting reading.


Milan Tomic

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